Scirocco roofing celebration 8th of September 2011

Lapuan Harmonikkakerho ry from left to right: Heikki Koivisto, Timo Järvelä and Tapio Peltonen.

In the front row from left to right: Juha Porre (Suunnittelutoimisto Aluetekniikka Oy), Jorma Hankaniemi (Lapua city) and Sakari Lahti (Lapua city). In the next table employees from Chemigate Oy, Lapuan Peruna Oy and Finnamyl Oy.

At the table from left to right: Kyösti Meriläinen (Focusplan Oy) in a dark shirt, Sakari Tuhkanen (Narmaplan Oy) in a light shirt, Joni Heino (Focusplan Oy) in a light stripy shirt, Arto Haapanen (Chemigate Oy) and Seppo Lamminmäki (Chemigate Oy).

CEO Seppo Lamminmäki from Chemigate Oy telling about the project so far and about the next steps.

Juhani Blomgren from Lujatalo Oy.

Scirocco building raising high at the Lapua fields.

The new building in its full glory.