Pekko Jalkanen appointed Account Manager at Chemigate

Pekko Jalkanen started in his position as an Account Manager at Chemigate on 29th April 2024. He has a degree in machinery and production engineering. Pekko made a transition to Chemigate directly from Metsä Fibre, from the Joutseno Pulp Mill, where he worked as an operating engineer. At Chemigate, Pekko will be responsible for both the external sales of our cationic reagent as well as for the commercial side of speciality chemicals. Whenever needed, you will also find Pekko at the customers’ sites.

  • Based in Mietoinen.
  • On his free time, Pekko likes to exercise in different ways. His favorite sports are ice hockey, golf, mountain biking, and gym.
  • You can reach Pekko at +358 44 049 9909.

We wish Pekko a warm welcome to Chemigate!
