Matti Halmesmäki started at Chemigate on August 5, 2024. He works as a production planner at Chemigate’s Lapua plant. Matti lives in Seinäjoki and holds a degree in Bio and Food Engineering. He has approximately 10 years of experience in food industry production planning, various supervisory roles, and processes.
- Primary work location Lapua.
- In his free time, Matti mainly engages in physical activities, primarily at the gym. Traveling with his spouse is also a significant part of his leisure activities.
- You can reach Matti on 040-9114894.
Tomi Kivistö-Rahnasto started as the Operations Manager at Chemigate’s Lapua site on August 5, 2024. Tomi has a degree in Mechanical and Production Engineering. Before joining Chemigate, he worked at the A-rehu plant in Koskenkorva for 14 years in various positions.
- Primary work location is Lapua.
- In his free time, Tomi is involved in triathlon, spending time outside of work swimming, cycling, and running.
- Additionally, as an engineer, Tomi enjoys technical hobbies, and for him, that includes 3D printing.
- You can reach Tomi on 040-4870143.
Welcome to Chemigate, Matti and Tomi!