Chemigate stays gold

EcoVadis, an international assessor of business sustainability, has renewed Chemigate’s gold rating for 2023. Business sustainability is assessed through a series of questions in four themes: environment, labor & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.  Chemigate’s highest scores were achieved in the Environment and Labor & Human Rights assessments. 

There are four levels: Platinum 1%, Gold 5%, Silver 25% and Bronze 50%. Chemigate ranked in the top 6% of the world in its sector.

Chemigate strives to be a responsible and trustworthy partner in the business world, with decisions driven by concrete values. EcoVadis offers an excellent account of what has already been achieved and where improvements are still needed. In the coming year, Chemigate will focus on improving its operations – particularly in the area of sustainable procurement. We’ll also make use of the results obtained through our climate objectives and Berner’s sustainability reporting.

EcoVadis was established in 2007 and has grown to become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of corporate social responsibility ratings. 

The EcoVadis assessment is based on international sustainable development standards: the GRI, the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000. EcoVadis has already evaluated over 100,000 companies from 175 countries across 200 different industries. 

More information about EcoVadis: