Our annual fitness campaign has culminated in no less than 18 winners. Each team in which every member exercised at least 2.5 times per week throughout the campaign is considered a winner. The scoreboard is available for everyone to see here: http://kuntokampanja.chemigate.fi/. And there’s one more winner – the Baltic Sea. 3859.50 € was raised for the benefit of the John Nurminen Foundation for the Baltic Sea. Hopefully as many as possible got that winner’s feeling we’re all looking for. There were no losers, but honourable mentions are due to three teams that did extremely well.
Furious Power, FP-Pigments
Turbo Burner, Berner Helsinki
HikiNorot, Chemigate Lapua
To these teams we say: Congratulations! This special mention, then, was the prize. No need to come begging for more 😊